Sponsored tweet tracker for @TheLantern

In this table's calculation of the ratio of ad to non-ad tweets, the number of ads is the number of tweets since the first sponsored tweet that are marked as ads, either in the tweet or by a subsequent tweet identifying the tweet as an ad. The number of non-ad tweets is the sum of retweets and other tweets. Tweets marked "announcement" were identifying ads.

The current ratio is ad tweets per content tweet.

Last updated 2015-09-17 7:58 p.m. Eastern time.

Because as much as I love The Lantern and all it taught me, it saddens me to see them tweeting advertisments.

On September 10, 2015, @TheLantern tweeted its first sponsored tweet:

Screenshot of tweet with attached image. Tweet text reads: $1 beers on hole 13 w/ every bridie. Free entry w/ Buck-ID. Pro golf is back at @OSUGC Sept. 24-27 for @NCHC_Golf!

This tweet was notable as the first (as far as I know) sponsored tweet by The Lantern. It received some retweets and some favs, but wasn't commented upon.

The ad was immediately followed by a tweet announcing the ad:

Screenshot of tweet. Tweet text reads: Sponsored tweet below:

This tweet received much derison from alumni of The Lantern. The next day, @TheLantern tweeted another ad, and another "Tweet below sponsored by ___" notification. And I realized that we should probably be tracking these things, to see how the ratio of tweets to ads changes over time.

Raw data feeding this table is in data.csv and the source code behind this project is available on GitHub.

Based on Bill Mill's Table with Embedded Line Chart, which I found on the D3 wiki examples page.