Columbus projects

Columbus Data Breach

Collecting reputable information about the City of Columbus' July 2024 data breach, and how affected people can protect themselves.

Columbus Master Plans

A list of "master plan" documents and initiatives covering the City of Columbus.

Columbus GovDelivery RSS

An OPML file aggregating known RSS feeds for Columbus' GovDelivery newsletters.

Columbus Misc. RSS

A collection of RSS feeds for various Columbus-area projects and entities, including many governments and NGOs.

Columbus Gov Websites

A CSV of domain names registered by the City of Columbus.

COTA Reroute RSS Feed

An RSS feed for the Central Ohio Transit Authority's reroute PDFs.

Columbus Regional Rail

Maps of fantasy transit projects that could be built in Columbus, Ohio.

Personal projects

Projects on GitHub that I created, or contributed to.

Kowloon Manifesto

A webpage for a thing that someone mentioned online, to make it easier to find.

Misc. licenses

A list of software licenses. Some are silly, some are serious, and some are infohazardous.

Ranked statements of situational fury

A list of non-ableist words to describe bad situations, and their definitions.

Sponsored tweet tracker for @TheLantern

Tracking how many times The Lantern tweets ads or sponsored content.

Mumps Chart

A charting of the 2014 mumps outbreak in central Ohio. Made using Dygraph and data from Columbus Public Health.